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Nguyen Nguyen
Nguyen Nguyen

Hướng dẫn cách uốn mai, cắt tỉa mai trước Tết

Khi nhắc đến Tết Nguyên Đán hay còn gọi là Tết Cổ truyền, người ta sẽ nghĩ ngay đến hình ảnh hoa mai vàng rực rỡ báo hiệu may mắn một năm mới sắp tới. Bạn đã biết cách uốn mai chiếu thủy để bán mai vàng hoành 80cm sao cho đẹp và ra nhiều hoa đúng dịp Tết chưa?

Cách uốn mai

Tạo dáng ban đầu: Đầu tiên, bạn tạo dáng gốc mai bằng các thao tác cắt gọt, đục đẽo theo thế đứng, nghiêng hay nằm rồi sắp xếp theo miệng chậu sao cho đẹp. Tiếp theo, uốn từ thân đến cành. Dùng khung sắt đã uốn sẵn, ôm sát vào thân cây, rồi dùng kẽm siết chặt. Lâu ngày, thân và cành sẽ phát triển theo chiều tạo dáng của khung.

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Smith Publicity
Smith Publicity

The Media Loves Non-Fiction Books

Planning a publicity campaign for a non-fiction book presents a wealth of opportunities due to the inherent newsworthiness of the genre. Non-fiction books emphasizing factual content, well-researched theories, and proven concepts often serve as the foundation for media stories. Additionally, the authors of non-fiction books are usually considered intriguing and provocative interview subjects, further enhancing the appeal of such books in the realm of publicity. One of the key factors driving the appeal of non-fiction books is that readers often perceive them as sources of knowledge. 

As a result, authors are wise to consider the motivations and needs of their readers when crafting their works. This understanding can significantly inform the approach to book publicity, ensuring that the campaign resonates with the target audience. While traditional media coverage and interviews continue to be influential, the digital landscape has revolutionized the reach and impact of public…

Smith Publicity
Smith Publicity
4 days ago · joined the group.

Effective Football Betting Strategies to Easily Profit Online

Football betting, despite its unpredictability, can be highly profitable with the right expertise. Understanding the basics, researching betting odds, and managing your budget are crucial components to succeed in this dynamic field. This article by 33wim explores these strategies in-depth, inviting players to delve into effective betting practices.

Experience Basic Football Betting Knowledge at Online Bookmakers

The reason why many fail in daily record football tips betting is often due to a lack of fundamental knowledge and experience. Every bettor entering this realm needs a solid understanding of the sport and its intricacies. Therefore, it's essential to study statistical data that influences match outcomes. Additionally, assessing team form, player injuries, and tactical strategies are pivotal in enhancing winning opportunities.

Historical statistics and head-to-head records play a significant role in predicting match outcomes despite the randomness of results. Hence, bettors should thoroughly research team…


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